Friday, August 10, 2007

Today I woke up refreshed, feeling good, thinking and knowing I can do this! I think my head is out of my A$$ and I am ready for a new week. :) My week is going to start Friday. Its 10:13 there, I have drank 51 ounces of water already, nothing sweet besides my blueberries and my protein drink, been going around the office (my boss is away) and doing walking lunges and the girls are like "you are a freak becca" and I said when you are not in shape then we will talk. Then I had to go to the bathroom and I did some squats, lunges in there for the mirror. :) Yes .. I am doing my exercises throughout the day until this evening when I get to do them all together.


My biggest challenges and things I am working on:

- limit caffeine - not only coffee, diet sodas (bad)
- limit or should i say eliminate sugars from my diet.
- limit refined carbs
- get my water in first thing in the morning :)

I just had to share :)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Today my P.T. sent this article to us and its a GREAT article. Its so what American's do. For whatever reason this is what people have made us believe that if we dont eat a lot of food, we will lose weight. Its a sad state of affairs we are in and I find myself sometimes thinking this.

If you want to read up on it, feel free!! :) I know you wont think of it as a waste of time.