Tuesday, October 2, 2007

This morning, I was sitting at my desk and just analyzing where I have been in the last 6 months and how much I have made every excuse not to exercise, to eat healthy, do make myself a healthy lifestyle. Is it hard? Heck yes its hard!!!! So out of desperation this morning, I emailed Corinne asking for help. Sometimes I feel like I am so alone at this battle because I am REALLY struggling here, I am trying to get my weight off not just get toned, I keep giving up on myself .... but I have made my commitment that I am going to do it, I am going to do it for myself and for the sake that I am trying to get pregnant, I want a healthy pregnancy and etc!

This morning I was sitting here fighting the tears as I wrote Corinne an email (must admit a few fell down my face as I was typing to her) ... I am willing to do anything and everything that it takes to get going, to stay going!

I do think so far that I have had a good start, I am eating off the menu that I had made with only one or two exceptions on there. I went on a walk/jog last night 1.5 miles in 22 mins. Not GREAT but ok being as I was limping after way back to the house. Today, I didn't let shin splits get me down because there are people that have it worse than I, as Corinne said :) *love ya girl* Instead I went to the gym at lunch, worked out on the bike, then I worked out on some ST but I was running behind schedule, got 1/2 through then I will, yes I will finish up tonight.

I really don't know what you girls can do for me, but I needed to pour my heart out to you. What have you found to help you especially in the beginning? Anything that you can think of, please either email me or post back here. I could really use all your insight!

Thanks again for letting me *cry* on your shoulder!